
Test, Treat and train and fast, valid and reliable

Areas of

In Medicine and Therapy

Frau testet ihre Balance auf dem SKILLCOURT

Movement Assessments

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of posture and movement

Mann macht den Stability Test auf dem SKILLCOURT

Return-to-Play Assessments

Systematic process to reintroduce athletes to competition

Ältere Dame spielt die Übung Shape Jump auf dem SKILLCOURT


Tests and exercises for effective and motivating rehabilitation

Ältere Dame absolviert einen Random Run auf dem SKILLCOURT

Return-to-Walk Assessments

For knee and hip patients

Frau macht den Balance Test auf dem SKILLCOURT


Direct feedback from our AI on movement speed and quality

Frau testet ihre Balance auf dem SKILLCOURT

Sensorimotor Training

Precise analysis, playful training, and automatic documentation- coming soon!

For employees and practices/clinics


With the SKILLCOURT, practices enable their employees to work at a new level. The insights and methods from the rehabilitation of top athletes are applicable to all patients with the SKILLCOURT.

  • Eases the daily routine for employees
  • Increases treatment success through more and better information about the status and progress of the therapy
  • Positioning the facility as a leader in innovation
  • Increased revenue through billing with health insurance companies or self-payers
Frau macht den Balance Test auf dem SKILLCOURT

Return to

walk, play and competiton

Severe injuries can greatly impact daily life and profession. The SKILLCOURT addresses this with its Return to Walk/Play processes, individually assessing each injury. Thanks to fully digitized tests, therapists can work quickly and efficiently without additional prep work.

These tests provide precise information about the patient’s condition, assist in decisions regarding suitable movements, and make the therapist’s job easier. The SKILLCOURT contributes to a safer and faster return to normal activity, making the rehabilitation process not only more efficient but also more precise.

Only if a player goes through all the stages of recovery perfectly can he be expected to return to sport as quickly as possible.

Christian Haser

Head of Medical Department
Eintracht Frankfurt

Contact us

Are you interested in SKILLCOURT and would like more information on how to integrate the training into your facility? Then get in touch with us, and together we will develop a concept tailored to your needs!

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