
Speed begins in the brain

you can …

… react

 as …

An Athlete

Training reaction time is essential for an athlete because it enables them to swiftly respond to changing game situations.

A Patient

Reaction time is crucial in rehab because it helps individuals respond quickly to unexpected movements or situations during the recovery process, reducing the risk of re-injury and facilitating a safe and effective rehabilitation journey.

A best Ager

Reaction time is particularly important for elderly individuals as it plays a critical role in preventing accidents, such as slips and falls.

A first responder

Having a quick reaction time is vital in emergency situations and combat scenarios as it can mean the difference between saving lives, ensuring mission success, and maintaining personal safety when facing unpredictable and high-stress environments.

What is reaction?


Reaction time is the ability of the brain to respond to an external stimulus within a short period. It involves the perception and processing of information (reaction time) as well as the execution of motor skills (motor time).

Short reaction times help us brake in time and avoid accidents on the road. In sports, fast reactions are crucial for success in ball and team sports, and in the professional world, quick reactions enhance our productivity and adaptability to new situations.

Goalkeeper couldn't catch the football
Graphic of the decline of our reaction throughout life

It’s about training


The fastest reactions are achieved between the ages of 15 to 20, earlier than many other cognitive abilities. As we age, simple reaction times slow down by approximately 1.5 milliseconds per year, while choice reactions can decrease by 5.7 milliseconds per year. Consequently, performance in sports and the workplace may decline, while the risk of accidents increases.

An active lifestyle and training can help maintain and even improve reaction times. SKILLCOURT can assist you with this.

Reaction is 

At every level

To improve reaction time, training on SKILLCOURT requires fast reactions and decisions. The quicker the reaction is executed, the more points are scored during training. Specialized training for simple reaction and choice reaction covers a wide range of applications for reaction time in everyday life and sports.

Simple Reaction

Responses to a single sensory stimulus, without choice.

Choice Reaction

Choosing one action from multiple possible responses.

Additionally, each exercise on SKILLCOURT includes training for both reaction time (the time between stimulus and response) and motor time (the time for executing the movement). Both components are crucial for performance, success, and health. Training them together also enhances the transfer of skills from training to everyday life. To assess training progress, SKILLCOURT also includes a special diagnostic reaction test for analyzing reaction capability.


Being one step ahead

SKILLCOURT features a dedicated category for training reaction capability. Various games and levels require quick reactions and provide challenges through playful content, ensuring long-lasting motivation. The following exercises are offered on SKILLCOURT to improve reaction:

What people

Fünf Sterne Bewertung

I’ve always been on the lookout for an effective way to improve my reaction time. With SKILLCOURT, I’ve finally found the perfect training solution.

– Alice K.

Fünf Sterne Bewertung

As an athlete, quick reactions are crucial for me. Thanks to the targeted exercises on SKILLCOURT, not only has my reaction time improved, but also my decision-making ability under pressure.

– Dennis I.

Fünf Sterne Bewertung

SKILLCOURT has exceeded my expectations. As a gamer, fast reactions are crucial for me. I can feel significant improvements that not only benefit my gaming but also have a positive impact on my daily life.

– Peter A.

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How does SKILLCOURT help me improve my reaction time?

A reaction training on SKILLCOURT requires the fastest possible perception and processing of stimuli and their conversion into a motor response. This challenge trains the brain to accelerate reaction time.

Can SKILLCOURT training help improve reaction time in road traffic or other safety-related situations?

Yes. Faster reactions are crucial for safety in road traffic. If dangerous situations are recognized quickly enough and the motor response is executed, it is possible to brake in time and prevent an accident. Faster reactions through training on SKILLCOURT can help reduce the risk of accidents on the road and in other areas.

What types of exercises does SKILLCOURT offer to improve reaction time?

SKILLCOURT includes exercises for training both simple and choice reaction. In simple reaction, you have to respond to a stimulus with the same response, while choice reaction training requires an additional decision.

– Decision Pro
– Skipping
– Remember Forms

What specific benefits does reaction training on SKILLCOURT bring to everyday life?

In addition to safety in everyday life, reaction speed plays a crucial role in sports and professional success. Quick reactions help us brake in time on the road, recognize situations early in sports, and respond rapidly to challenges in our careers. Improving reaction time through training on SKILLCOURT can, therefore, enhance both performance and overall health.

Can SKILLCOURT test my reaction?

Yes, SKILLCOURT includes a special reaction test to analyze reaction capability.

Contact us

Are you interested in SKILLCOURT and would like more information on how to integrate the training into your facility? Then get in touch with us, and together we will develop a concept tailored to your needs!

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