
Increase your skills


The SKILLCOURT process

Die Übersicht der Trainingsziele auf dem SKILLCOURT

specific training goals

For everyday life, school, sport and work

Der Warm-Up Screen auf dem SKILLCOURT

Warm-Up, active break, Cardio

A few minutes that connect the brain and body

Frau testet ihre Balance auf dem SKILLCOURT


Accurate analysis, playful training and automatic documentation

Frau führt die Übung Einbeinstand auf dem SKILLCOURT aus

systematic diagnostics

For Return to Walk, Run, Play and Neurorehabilitation

Mädchen auf dem SKILLOURT - im Hintergrund das Logo der Deutschen Standard Prävention

Training courses

Online and Offline, for adults and children

Produkte aus dem Marketing Paket von SKILLCOURT

Marketing and communication

For target groups – specific advertising material addressing existing customers and new customer available via the SKILLCOURT customer portal


For the facility

More customers

As a solution provider for visual, cognitive and sensorimotor training, reach new groups such as children, athletes, seniors and employees. Cooperate specifically with schools, clubs, and health insurance companies.

In this way, you are not only improving the training and success of your existing customers and increasing their recommendation rate but also generating new customers by expanding your market.

Strong positioning

Attractive brands attract people. Strengthen your positioning in the market as an innovation leader by demonstrating market knowledge, innovative spirit, and social responsibility, supporting brain training and mental health.

Mann trainiert auf dem SKILLCOURT

More sales

More customers mean more sales. We therefore also support you in integrating processes that increase productivity and ensure higher sales per member.


Always benefit from the collaboration between concept and process specialists who support you during implementation. The experience from over 5,000 successful process and product integrations is constantly incorporated into our products, training, lectures and strategy measures.


Not just another product


We provide you with individual support from a personal account manager. A coordinated training concept with training ensures effective knowledge delivered to your team. 


Face to face training and events will help you convey the most important information to your members

Success is the sum
from many individuals


Our customer portal and starter marketing collateral package will set you up for success.


Regular updates, expansions, new diagnostic tests, and new exercises represent the core of our work and ensure long-term success.

We as Ratiopharm Ulm, like the innovative spirit of the SKILLCOURT Team.

Thorsten Leibenath

Sports Director at Ratiopharm Ulm

Ready to implement SKILLCOURT?

Are you interested in the SKILLCOURT and would like more information
on how you can integrate the training into your facility?

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If you're ready to offer SKILLCOURT at your facility or to find out more then simply complete the contact us form and we will be in touch!