from science

SKILLCOURT is science based & science backed

SKILLCOURT meets the highest scientific standards. Diagnostics and training are based on the latest research and are continuously evaluated. Effective training is based on knowledge and facts, not assertions!

  • \Latest insights from sport & neuroscience
  • \State-of-the-art technologies
  • \Principles from game design





The VIKOMOTORIK concept is at the heart of SKILLCOURT training. This is where sports and neuroscientific insights come together for the development of diagnostics and training.


Effective training stimulus

Challenges the brain and increases neuronal plasticity.


Combined training

Trains vision, cognition and motor skills in combination. This not only improves performance during training, but also the transfer to everyday life.


Physical activity

Brain training in motion supports neuronal plasticity to increase brain performance and health.


    An innovative game design and the latest technologies in data recording and analysis ensure the optimum training environment.



    Long-term training motivation, because regular training on SKILLCOURT leads to success.


    Data analysis

    Track training progress and analyze personal visual, cognitive and motor performance.



    Use of the latest technology and training based on the latest scientific insights.

    Graphic of the SKILLCOURT research areas Training, Diagnostics, Plasticity and Mechanisms

    Research strategy

    SKILLCOURT sets standards

    The quality and effectiveness of SKILLCOURT is continuously proven in various studies. In recent years, a large number of scientific studies have been carried out with SKILLCOURT:

    • Scientific studies and projects
    • Presentations at congresses and international conferences
    • University theses

    More than 20 scientific projects are currently running with SKILLCOURT. A research strategy was developed especially for SKILLCOURT. This examines the effectiveness of the technology in training and diagnostics as well as the Mechanisms of action at the level of the brain.

    SKILLCOURT research strategy sets new benchmarks and scientific standards for evidence-based brain training. Developed from science, confirmed by science for maximum training success.



    Through research projects with first-class partners, SKILLCOURT gains scientific knowledge and drives development forward. On this basis, we are shaping the future of diagnostics and training!

    What our
     partners say







    SKILLCOURT in action


    • Increase revenue
    • Shorter waiting times
    • Positioning as a top facility


      • Increase revenue
      • Addressing new target groups
      • Screening and training on one device

        Pro sports

        • Automated performance diagnostics
        • Optimized rehabilitation
        • Individual talent development

          Book your online
           appointment here

          Book an appointment for an introductory meeting with one of our experts easily, quickly and conveniently online here. Get started today with the game changer SKILLCOURT!

          • Direct online appointment booking
          • Convenient on the phone
          • Duration: 20 minutes

          Get in touch
          with us

          And send us an inquiry

          Are you interested in SKILLCOURT and would like more information on how the training can be tailored to your needs? Then get in touch with us and we will work out a concept for your challenge together!

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          Step 1

          Fill out the contact form - let us know more about you and your goals!


          Step 2

          We will contact you and schedule an appointment for a personal introductory meeting with one of our experts.


          Step 3

          We will introduce you to our concept that suits you and your challenge and from which you will benefit in the long term!